203 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

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Tue 14th Feb 17:33
Zombie Islands rated  Perfect
This is a great Board. It is well balanced, the games don't last forever, it looks nice, it's easy to understand, the choke points between sectors make the fog relevant/important. The diversity in island size, composition and bonus structure drives the game forward.

It needs a two player scenario that balances out the first player advantage, but otherwise this game is perfect!

Definitely give it a go!
#69 of 69
Tue 14th Feb 12:53
Seven Redux rated  Superb
"There are some hard lessons on this board."

That was good advice, given to me freely.

This game is 15% initial layout, 60% knowing what your doing and 15% seeing the future.

But there are some truths that make for better strategies.

At time is can be very frustrating, at times a little deterministic, but mostly, it's a ton of fun.

Pacing is good, looks good, fun to play, easy to learn, hard to master.

I like it ALOT. (it's be perfect except for the initial layout problem)

#68 of 69
Wed 8th Feb 11:22
Bowling rated  Great
She's a fun one!

This game will be quick, it will favor the experienced player - or the dice in the event of equally capable players and is pretty scrappy.

But it's got some cool features. You can come back right at the end, if you're lucky. It's easy to see what you need to do, so when you can't do it... that's kind of exciting.

Because of the small number of territories and units, There is a real random element to it.

Just like real bowling for me!
#67 of 69
Sat 28th Jan 17:55
Bloom rated  Superb
I like this board alot. It has great balance, and you can do a variety of things and still be effective.
I think most games will ultimately come down to the eliminations or the cards, particularly when playing with lots of players.

I'd give it a perfect, but I don't find it that visually appealing, and I have seen a game or two go crab with three players. (but the games never stalled out for a really long time)

Lots of fun!

#66 of 69
Mon 19th Dec 09:11
Biohazard rated  Average
Nothing too special here. Try to win with the dice!

Fog Helps.
#65 of 69
Thu 21st Jul 18:18
Bingo rated  Great
I like this board.

It's straight forward, got a great theme and, kind of surprisingly, the games don't drag on forever.

Nice and simple, easy to play, just a little variation. IMHO the board is a little ugly, but that's just cause I don't like the color, that's all.

Great game!
#64 of 69
Thu 21st Jul 18:11
Bear River rated  Good
This board is good. There is nothing wrong with it. It has a good theme, interesting mechanics, decent graphics and a layout that is fine.

There is some interest in the bridges and forts.

A good, simple, change of pace.
#63 of 69
Fri 24th Jun 17:27
Battlestar rated  Fair
I really like the idea of this board, and I like the way the bonuses and attack modifiers work. As well, the theme is great!

Waay to much depends on your initial start, and then of course how lucky you are in your first two or three turns.

The luckiest player should be able to wrap it up four or five rounds after their initial boon and should do so in a single turn. Be prepared for your game to end abruptly.

I think the problem is one of balance. The big ship are much more powerful than the little ones, and being able to hold one for just one turn will give you enough strength to win.

The regular and original version of the board have slight differences, and I like the way the dice modifiers are used to create variety and tactical interest. Both are good gaming, with different odds.

The simulgear version is unwinnable with decently competent opponents and therefore to my mind is broken.

The board Looks good and is a great idea. Balanced is the best scenario, but your game is probably not going to be long, and will only be kind of interesting. This one is just fair.
#62 of 69
Sun 12th Jun 20:20
Battle of Waterloo rated  Superb
"Get your units off the Road" - M57

Good advice from the Board Maker. This map is exceptional.

The game is to connect your territories from the top of the board to the bottom. There are roads, and not roads. You can place on the roads, but they come with a weak defense.

The concept is simple, the map is lovely to look at, the theme is strong and the learning curve is mild. There are some things to learn though, and experience means alot in the games. This one is not purely strategic, as the dice will make or break some attacks, but good tactical decisions can really minimize the impact of a couple of bad rolls.

It's a superb board.
#61 of 69
Mon 30th May 17:28
Battle of Bladensburg rated  Great
I'm giving this an 8 for Great. I think it's worth more than that, except for the learning curve.

There are two distinct ways to win this board (one for each color) and tons of ways to draw out the conflict forever or lose.

I really like the way the artillery is set up, the layout of the board, the unique win conditions and the overall feel of the map.

It's fun to play. It's a unique challenge, and there are lots of players out there that are at all levels of good/bad at it.

It's not so strategic that the dice don't matter, but you probably won't lose or win due to dice alone.

The map however, does have distinct victory strategies, and you can play alot of games trying to learn what they are. Of course the strategy is different for red and for blue, so initial setup will dramatically affect ones approach to the board.

Overall, I really like the board - I really like the implementation, theme and mechanic. I think the games are all lots of fun.

I'm less keen on the one or maybe two ways to win - and the many, many losses it takes to get em figured.
#60 of 69
Fri 29th Apr 18:25
Battle for New York rated  Average
This one's pretty average.

It's a standard game on a graphically alright board. Nothing is hard to see or understand, and the theme is intact.

Lots of territories and big (very open) continents make this one better with more players.

The board is balanced enough as the bottom corner is easier to defend but the open places are worth more - as well as has enough variety of continents that you can get established.

It all comes down to the dice and what the other players do. I think you have to play the meta game to ensure a win on this one.

Definitely a nice diversion from the basic risk board.
#59 of 69
Tue 5th Apr 13:40
Battle USA rated  Good
This board look good, has a good balance and is easily accessible. For all intents and purposes it's a great Game.

The thing is, it's got small, easy to attack/hard to defend continents, which give big bonuses. Then it's got a fairly powerful elimination bonus, and a high card scale.

So the games go like this: Scrap over continents - first guy to keep one, or two, and make an elimination wins.

You build for a couple of turns, scramble to get a bonus, then it's over before you can blink in an elimination cascade.

It's good for short, scrappy games.
#58 of 69
Thu 17th Mar 13:00
Base 9 rated  Great
I find this board a lot of fun!

I love how it's designed around the abandon/fog mechanics and I like the layout. There was some real though put into what should connect to where.

The downside, some of the continents are a little bit more exposed than you might think.

But that leads to a very diverse experience. Try the different scenarios - the different levels of fog and even a dual game. Every group of settings plays very differently from the others.

The graphics are unique (I did have to stare at it for a while before I understood what was going on) but everything is labeled on the board - which is nice.

This is a scrappy one!
#57 of 69
Sun 14th Feb 22:02
Axes and Allies rated  Superb
There is some work here, but it's worth it.

This board is a faithful recreation of Axes and Allies, and it plays very similar to that game too.

You have to have a team that is willing to cooporate, or your sunk. You have to understand the advantages and disadvantages both sides have, or your sunk - you have to have some good rolls (although I haven't been frustrated by a lack of luck) - but if their bad, your sunk.

Once you have learned all of those things - and the ins and outs of Simulgear, which definitely has its basic strategy elements, this board is very rewarding.

It harmonizes teamwork skills and your ability to synthesis huge amounts of information with strategy and direct player to player competition. Exactly the kind of thing one might look for in this game.

The graphics are a little on the chunky side for my taste - and that is a bit intimidating, as well as the learning curve is really steep.

Otherwise this map is super fun to play! If your looking for a game with lots of meat, this is your choice. It's almost perfect.
#56 of 69
Sun 14th Feb 21:36
AstroGear 2210 rated  Good
This is actually a small board. And it plays like one. There are some choke points, but the bonuses are small, so defending the choke points starts to lose it's purpose after a while.

More players is better.

The board is easy on the eyes and simple to understand - but watchout! some of the rocks are worth waaay more than others.

In the games I played, it came down to the dice, but there is some room for strategy here.

Couldn't say it's great, but it's better than fair, so it's Good.
#55 of 69
Thu 28th Jan 20:43
Apocalypse Soon rated  Great
This map is great fun!

But there's a trick - you can't ignore anything. Boats, cities, and continents - as well as the little islands all need your attention, or someone else will nuke you!

It seems to favor being aggressive and provides you with enough information (even with fog) to know what your oponents are doing.

The light dice mods make for a little tactical interest and the layout of the board is well balanced.

I found my games to be quick and lots of fun! Great Board!
#54 of 69
Fri 4th Dec 12:53
Across The Great Divide rated  Average
This is dead center average. It's a great looking board, and it's nice to play - both with lots of fog and not so much fog. I find the board suffers from a slow start and some balance issues. Good for lots of players however, and long games.

I like the idea, and execution. I like the variety of bonus types and a unique take on the globe as a map.

I just find the play really unbalanced. Some parts of the map are much better to start in than others, some parts of the map mean sudden death with not a whole lot of return, and in order to collect bonuses on the continents, you're commonly taking over 4 or 5 territories in order to gain a single bonus unit.

It's a slow grind to start - as you will get 3 units to start taking territories over with - and then a grind in the middle until some players get established. Once there are a couple of players that have some territory to speak of, the game gets more interesting, but those territories are hard to defend. So the board favors aggressive play and heavily defending your choke points.

Overall, enjoyable and certainly not bad, but I prolly won't have one of these games going on all the time.
#53 of 69
Fri 6th Nov 13:59
Pipeline rated  Good
This is a great board. It engages you with the other players, it encourages a mix of defensive and offensive gameplay and it's easy on the eyes.

I wish starting position wasn't so important - or was easier to overcome - and for that reason I could only give it a 7.

However, I like the look and I like the core mechanic. Grab a station for a little bonus and connect them for a much bigger bonus - this makes for a variety of importance in the modules, and some tactical gameplay in many different situations.

So: a great board - with good rating.
#52 of 69
Sat 4th Jul 13:14
Iwo Jima rated  Superb
A little bit of learning on this one. Some to figure out the board mechanics (where you can place units - unit caps etc.) and some to figure exactly what your trying to do in order to secure a win.

Once you've figured it out, this is a sublime duel board.

Lots of room for different approaches, as far as I know there is no for sure winner strategy, and the board feel tight and nice to play.

Also, there is just enough restraint built in that you can't accidentally mess it all up with a single turn. ;)

Only The learning curve kept it from being "Perfect".

Stop reading about it and start a game!
#51 of 69
Sat 20th Jun 16:50
King of the Mountains rated  Great
I really like this board. It's just what you would hope. Take the mountains to get an edge, defend the mountains to keep it.

The balance between getting up the mountain and keeping the mountain is good, and hats off to the creator for using units caps and dice mods - and getting it right.

It's tons of fun, but the initial battle against the neutral units drives me crazy. I understand the need for it, but ugh! I don't that grey determining my game before it starts.

Other than that, great board! Well done.
#50 of 69
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